Treasurer reported that our income had increased during the fiscal year from the previous year.

We are continuing to search for people to run for spots on the Board of Governors in the spring.

Lobby update – colors have been chosen for the lobby (shades of grey with red accents). Furniture for the lobby has been narrowed down to a few choices. We will have to install some baseboard heating in the lobby area along with the rest of the renovations.

We will be posting a sign in the lobby informing patrons that anyone attending a show must purchase a ticket. The information is currently on our website.

Took the children’s ticket off our website for “Rent” due to the mature nature of the show. Childrens tickets will still be available at the box office, but it is not really suitable for those under 17 without a parent present.

Upcoming events:
Monicals Night Fundraiser – November 17
Bring It/Sing It – January 10 (tentatively)
CommUniversity – September 27, 3:30 – 6:15 at ISU

Next meeting: October 21, 2014, 6:00 pm at Community Players Theatre.

Submitted by Judy Stroh – Secretary